The Laboratorio del Grupo Microanalisis S.A. de C.V. has been accredited for more than 20 years by the Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación A.C. (EMA) and by the the Laboratory Accreditation Program (LAP) of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
Additionally, we have been approved by the following Mexican Government Dependencies: the Mexican Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), the Mexican National Water Commission (CONAGUA), and the Mexican Federal Environmental Protection Agency (PROFEPA). You can also find us in the official Register of Environmental Laboratories (PADLA) of Mexico City (CDMX) and the state of Puebla.

* The AIHA-LAP has accredited our analytical laboratory for the analysis of respirable and total particles, metals, and organic compounds in the workplace.
Measurement of Physical Agents and Assessment of Exposure of Chemical Agents in the Workplace.
Sampling and Analysis for the Evaluation and Characterization of Physical, Chemical and Biological Contaminants in the Environment.
Specialized Equipment and Supplies for Industrial Hygiene, Occupational Health and Environmental Assessment.
Clinical Analysis and Medical Evaluations of Occupationally Exposed Personnel.
Analysis of Industrial Hygiene Samples , Environmental Assessment Samples, and Clinical Samples.
Business liaison company with the United States with the aim of making available to our clients, an immense variety of products and services related to our specialties in the U.S.
EL GRUPO MICROANALISIS has a wide network of branches and representatives strategically located throughout Mexico, as well as international offices in Texas, USA, which allows us to offer our services locally, minimizing travel times and costs for our customers.
Our headquarters are located in the capital of the country, Mexico City.