We are proud of the professional work that all our collaborators have carried out throughout its history within the GRUPO MICROANALISIS. In order to reinforce and improve this environment of honesty and service, the Ethics Monitoring Committee has been created. An independent body conformed by different members of the companies of the GRUPO MICROANALISIS, which will be in charge of giving an impartial follow-up to any situation that goes against the values ​​and the same Code of Ethics that is promoted in our company.

The Code of Ethics is a guide for all those who are part of GRUPO MICROANALISIS, in order that in the event of any conflict, the correct decisions are made according to our values, if you want to know it you can access this document by clicking here.

The Ethics Surveillance Committee will be a Reporting Medium for the prevention, detection and deterrence of acts inconsistent with the basic principles and guidelines of conduct of the GRUPO MICROANALISIS, in case of detecting any act inconsistent with the basic principles of our code we invite you to report it to the email etica@microanalisis.com, your reports are 100% confidential and anonymous.


The superior management of GRUPO MICROANALISIS considers that the quality of the services it provides must be proportional to the degree of satisfaction of its clients; therefore, it adds efforts to ensure, in a joint commitment with its staff, that they receive the services they need, with opportunity, specificity, reliability, punctuality, at competitive costs and under the requirements of the international standard ISO / IEC 17025; as well as those of the competent authorities of Mexico and national and international accreditation organizations.

Virtual mailbox for anonymous reporting

Digital medium to report anonymously and confidentially any act inconsistent with the basic principles and guidelines of conduct of the of GRUPO MICROANALISIS. The ETHICS COMMISSION will impartially follow up on the report generated.