Company part of Grupo Microanalisis, whose fundamental purpose is to assist companies in their programs and policies for the conservation of the ecological environment and the environment, through the recognition, evaluation and control of pollutants emitted into water, air, and soil.

Environmentalists experts in evaluating the levels of pollutants that companies emit to water, air and soil, as well as possible alterations that they generate to the environment, and at the same time, verify compliance with environmental regulations.


  • Water – Sampling and analysis for the evaluation of pollutants regulated in national regulations, discharged to national goods, sewage systems, treated wastewater, as well as those generated by treatment plants (including sludge, biosolids).
  • Soil – Sampling and analysis for the evaluation of hydrocarbons in all fractions (heavy range, diesel and gasoline), heavy metals, organic compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, etc.
  • Air – Sampling and analysis of suspended particles, gases, organic compounds, metals, etc., emitted by fixed emission sources, as well as those generated in the intramural environment.
  • Waste – Sampling and analysis for the CRIT characterization of industrial waste generated in production and to determine its danger.
  • Noise – Direct measurement and evaluation of the noise emission to the boundary generated by stationary sources of the industries towards their environment.
  • Audits of polluting air sources
  • Collection efficiency evaluation studies of air pollution control devices
  • Audits of polluting water sources


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